Community Annoucements

Share your event or opportunity

Announcements will appear:

  • in a blog post on our blog (published and archived on our website, which is viewed by over 2,500 unique visitors each month)
  • highlighted in our monthly e-newsletter (distributed to over 7,500 email addresses)

Listings must be:

  • Designed for or of particular value to LGBTQ families and children and/or prospective LGBTQ parents
  • Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, if in person, or available online/ virtually, if outside Northern California


  • Content submitted by the third Tuesday of the month will appear in in the following month’s newsletter.

We love lifting up the good work that members of our community and other social change organizations are doing in the Bay Area and beyond! Let us know if you wish to share a community event or opportunity with our families.

Community Announcements
Title of event or opportunity, including host organization if applicable. For example: "LGBTQ Parents & Parents-to-Be Support Circle" or "Seeking Gay Dads for Study"
Location and address in one line, if applicable. For example: "Natural Resources, 1367 Valencia St., San Francisco"; "Link to the Study or Info Page”
Up to 300 characters (with spaces; about 50 words), describing the event or listing. For example: "This group is offered for LGBTQ-parents and parents-to-be who are awaiting adoption, the birth of their child(ren) through surrogacy, or who are pregnant. Share newborn care tips and learn simple mindfulness practices to increase ease during this time of so many unknowns and exciting transitions.”
Upload a logo or an image you'd like to accompany your listing. (optional)
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif. Maximum file size: 256 Mb.

For further information

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Events can be distributed up to 3 times. For events far in advance, please specify which months you would like the event to run in our e-newsletter.