Beginning this week we’re transitioning as much programming as is practicable over to “virtual” service delivery, through the end of March.
What this means in real terms is that we’re going to offer as many support groups and informational workshops as we can using Google Hangouts – either as a phone line, or as a video conference.
So long as it’s not noted as “cancelled” or “postponed” on our website’s calendar, just register for an event the way you always would via the event’s registration page, and we’ll send you the necessary phone and video access info.
Concerned about privacy? So are we! We’ve upgraded our Google Hangout video and audio conferencing lines to ensure they are HIPAA-compliant and preserve the security and confidentiality of all our participants to the highest standards possible. [Further information about G Suite HIPAA Compliance here.]
Most of the playgroup and community activities don’t transfer to a virtual format, but we’re ramping up another means for folks to connect beyond a phone or video conference, and will be rolling that out soon.
Meanwhile, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers a wonderful 5-page guide to help parents and caregivers, including recommendations regarding what you should know, practical ways to improve your family’s and household’s readiness, and – perhaps most important, and most overlooked – ways to manage the stress of misinformation, super-saturation of alarming messaging, and/or isolation on your children:
- 家長/照顧者協助家庭因應新冠病毒/武漢肺炎疫情(COVID-19)指南 [in Chinese]
Take good care!