Dear community and families,
Earlier this week, I announced that I will be transitioning out of my role as Executive Director of Our Family Coalition at the end of June. And now I’m back to invite all of you all to spread the word about this unique opportunity to lead California’s premier LGBTQ family organization that I love so dearly.

As noted by our Board co-chair Steve Disselhorst, “We are incredibly grateful for the dedication Renata has shown this organization, and we are already working to identify a stellar candidate who can fill her shoes and continue moving OFC forward.”
I invite you to help Steve, the Board, and our team to identify OFC’s next leader! A transition like this provides the organization with a special opportunity to grow in new directions, and we want your vision to inform that.
Again, it has been an honor to work for and with LGBTQ families and our allies in California over the past seven years, and I look forward to onboarding a match made in heaven to lead OFC’s next chapter.
Here is the link to the job description, which includes details on how to apply. Please feel free to share this opportunity with your networks, and contact the search committee with any leads or suggestions!

Renata Moreira
Executive Director